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A New Declaration of Independence & Direct Popular Election

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A New Declaration of Independence & Direct Popular Election Empty A New Declaration of Independence & Direct Popular Election

Post by 1againstmachine Thu Oct 20, 2011 6:09 am

(Draft For)
A New Declaration of Independence

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of humankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

Consequently, we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all humans are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men and Women, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

However, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide a new government for their future security.

Such has been the patient sufferance of this populace; and such is now the necessity that constrains them to alter their former system of government.

The recent history of this present government is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of tyranny over 99% of the populace.

To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world:

They have refused to honor and adhere to economic laws and principals, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.

They have stolen, extorted, and embezzled trillions of dollars from our savings and our future earnings, and given such funds to banking institutions, favored corporations, and the moneyed few.

They have given over sixteen trillion dollars of taxpayer money in zero percentage loans to six banks while taking between 6.8% and 7.9% interest on almost one trillion dollars in loans to 70 million students.

They have been bribed, corrupted, and compromised into stealing billions of dollars from the populace in the form of farm subsidies to highly profitable monopolistic corporations who create and manufacture potentially toxic food products.

They have stolen millions of our homes and caused immense suffering and poverty by creating, ignoring, or condoning false profit bubbles, predatory adjustable loans, mortgage security swaps, and suspect foreclosure practices.

They have poisoned our water, our air, our soil, and our food by neglecting to enforce or enact laws of immediate and pressing importance for the public good.

They have neglected to pass or enforce laws to protect the populace from suffering the unhealthy consequences of harmful corporate practices in the name of profit.

They have elected Supreme Court Justices whose ideologies and philosophies favor a select few at the expense of the many and run counter to the democratic principles of our founding fathers.

They have erected a multitude of new offices, new laws, and taken away inherent freedoms under the guise of terrorism that threaten the very nature and substance of a constitutional Democracy.

They have waged wars, occupied nations, and threatened the sovereignty of others without the consent, approval, or will of the people.

They have rendered the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power, and contracted private, clandestine military, intelligence, and weapons corporations without our knowledge or consent.

They have corrupted, manipulated, and altered the democratic electoral process so that the Executive and Legislative Branches of this government no longer represent the will of the people but instead represent the moneyed few.

They have allowed the Federal Reserve to print money in our name, give out free loans to banking institutions, to operate independent of the will of the people, and to create policies that benefit the rich at the expense of the public good.

In every stage of these Oppressions We have Appealed for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Protests have been answered by mockery, neglect, hypocrisy, false imprisonment, illegal arrests, and all to often with brutality and excessive force.

Their character is thus marked by every act which may define an Oligarchy of the Rich and Powerful, and is unfit to rule a free people.

We have warned them of attempts to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us, to tax us without our representation or consent, to corrupt our political system or alter our system of inherent checks and balances. We have reminded them that we are first and foremost a government of, for, and by the People. We have appealed to their justice and magnanimity to disavow these usurpations, which have and continue to cause great suffering and hardship among us.

Unfortunately, they have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity by the people.

We, therefore, as the 99% of the populace of the United States of America, Assembled in a multitude of occupations, protests, and congregations throughout this great nation, do, in the Name, and by the Authority and Spirit of the United States Constitution, declare and call for a Popular Amendment to change our constitution by direct popular vote.

We believe and declare, as James Wilson, one of the original framers of our constitution, stated in 1787, that "... the people may change the constitution whenever and however they please. This is a right of which no positive institution can ever deprive them."

We call for an National Assembly to dissolve by Popular Amendment the current Executive and Legislative Branches of government and to create a new government based on the original principals of the United States Constitution, a government Of The People, For The People, and By The People; and that as a Free and Independent People guided by the Principals and Ideals of our Founding Fathers, we have a right to do so.


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Join date : 2011-10-19

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A New Declaration of Independence & Direct Popular Election Empty Citizen led constitutional & other radical change Ireland

Post by mikehall Thu Oct 20, 2011 7:07 pm

Greetings from Ireland OWS & other 'Occupy' movement people Smile

Well done for kicking things off, keep going!

Arising from the common anger at our massive 'bail out' for our corrupt banksters & their variously corrupt or 'captured' political & media apologists & allies, a group of ordinary citizens got together to begin a campaign for a process of remaking our constitution & introducing any other root & branch radical reforms of society citizens' saw fit to make.

A document has been raised describing the national citizens' convention process we would like to see. Briefly it comprises, citizen-led throughout, a process of education, exploration, deliberation & drafting of proposals to be put to all citizens in referenda(um). The results of the referenda being mandatory in implementation into law.

Nothing less than a 2nd Republic - a new beginning. The process document is here:

Perhaps an approach like this may be useful to achieve the ultimate aims of OWS & similar expressions of outrage at the current dysfunctional societies we all share?

Alongside a campaign such as this I see the need for the widest possible public debate of he kinds of (radical) reforms/changes we would wish to see deliberated in a convention process.

To that end, I post a great deal at this blog, mainly on economics, banking etc. but also on issues of democracy, media, non-corrupt public representation etc.

In particular, so far, I'm advocating strongly for an MMT & 'functional finance' system of monetary & fiscal management. Key academic proponents are Prof Randall Wray & others at Uni. of Missouri, Kansas City, blogging here:

And colleague, the prolific Prof Bill Mitchell of Australia, blogging here:

On banking/financial sector reform, essentially reverting it to the much smaller 'utility' it should be, I like this approach here:

As regards politics, public service, news & factual media, or any occupation purporting to represent majority public interests I favour one simple guiding & mandatory principle. Any in such vocations should not have income or aquire wealth significantly above that of the average citizen, with no significant monetary interests in businesses or investments - for life, including spouses. The key to 'significant' meaning gaining wealth primarily & principally from their labour, not use of 'money' - like the majority of citizens. Stop the 'corruption' at source. Membership of a political party or any other lobby or advocacy should also be banned for any in such vocations. All doable - details too lengthy for this post.

If people seek 'wealth', fine, do it - in the private sector - but don't pretend to represent the majority public interest.

Best wishes


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Join date : 2011-10-19

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A New Declaration of Independence & Direct Popular Election Empty Re: A New Declaration of Independence & Direct Popular Election

Post by SirNDPT Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:03 pm

Hey, 1against,

I think you have done a great job.

I will tell you, honestly, that I have been struggling with a rewrite of my own for about 3 months... but yours is so much better than what I have done so far that I am going to simply "adopt" yours!

As it is said, "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." Wink

This is a message that needs to be heard.


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Join date : 2011-10-18
Location : Toronto, Canada

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A New Declaration of Independence & Direct Popular Election Empty On Proposals

Post by Jenye Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:53 pm

This is really quite good. I highly recommend this to everyone. Quite well thought out.

I would, however, add that there should be some way for people to access the representative of their email or a letter or make proposals for changes.

Consideration of issues dealing with rights for corporations should be limited to those which limit the rights of corporations.

Consideration of issues dealing with rights for the people should be limited to those which expand the rights of people.

Using these two simple rules we are sure to bring things back into balance.

Jennifer Warren

mikehall wrote:Greetings from Ireland OWS & other 'Occupy' movement people Smile

Well done for kicking things off, keep going!

Arising from the common anger at our massive 'bail out' for our corrupt banksters & their variously corrupt or 'captured' political & media apologists & allies, a group of ordinary citizens got together to begin a campaign for a process of remaking our constitution & introducing any other root & branch radical reforms of society citizens' saw fit to make.

A document has been raised describing the national citizens' convention process we would like to see. Briefly it comprises, citizen-led throughout, a process of education, exploration, deliberation & drafting of proposals to be put to all citizens in referenda(um). The results of the referenda being mandatory in implementation into law.

Nothing less than a 2nd Republic - a new beginning. The process document is here:

Perhaps an approach like this may be useful to achieve the ultimate aims of OWS & similar expressions of outrage at the current dysfunctional societies we all share?

Alongside a campaign such as this I see the need for the widest possible public debate of he kinds of (radical) reforms/changes we would wish to see deliberated in a convention process.

To that end, I post a great deal at this blog, mainly on economics, banking etc. but also on issues of democracy, media, non-corrupt public representation etc.

In particular, so far, I'm advocating strongly for an MMT & 'functional finance' system of monetary & fiscal management. Key academic proponents are Prof Randall Wray & others at Uni. of Missouri, Kansas City, blogging here:

And colleague, the prolific Prof Bill Mitchell of Australia, blogging here:

On banking/financial sector reform, essentially reverting it to the much smaller 'utility' it should be, I like this approach here:

As regards politics, public service, news & factual media, or any occupation purporting to represent majority public interests I favour one simple guiding & mandatory principle. Any in such vocations should not have income or aquire wealth significantly above that of the average citizen, with no significant monetary interests in businesses or investments - for life, including spouses. The key to 'significant' meaning gaining wealth primarily & principally from their labour, not use of 'money' - like the majority of citizens. Stop the 'corruption' at source. Membership of a political party or any other lobby or advocacy should also be banned for any in such vocations. All doable - details too lengthy for this post.

If people seek 'wealth', fine, do it - in the private sector - but don't pretend to represent the majority public interest.

Best wishes

Posts : 79
Join date : 2011-10-20
Age : 67
Location : 1st Congressional District Washington

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A New Declaration of Independence & Direct Popular Election Empty Direct Popular Amendment and Election

Post by 1againstmachine Fri Oct 21, 2011 8:09 pm

I thank everyone for the positive responses to my draft. There is so much more to add and so many new voices to hear on this topic however my primary focus on this was to present a way we can overcome the traditional electoral process which I believe is a huge barrier to significant change.

If we can amend our constitution by a Direct Popular Vote we can create a New Electoral Process which takes money out of the electoral equation and levels the playing field between the moneyed interests and the 99 Percenters.

The point being is that We have the power and now that we are becoming more and more organized and growing exponentially everyday we need to start exerting this power by calling for a Popular Election. Whether this happens in 2012 or 2014 is less important than beginning today with a dynamic new approach to the traditional dialogue of setting up a new party in the traditional corrupted two-party system.

I believe that in all that we do (and are already doing) we think outside the box of traditional politics and change and create our own infrastructures and systems of change. By doing this we deny the existing power structure which will continually try to disenfranchise or co-op our worldwide movement.

We need to recreate the world in our image to correct the damage that has already been done and that will be an ongoing and daily struggle.


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Join date : 2011-10-19

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A New Declaration of Independence & Direct Popular Election Empty The Goal?

Post by Jenye Fri Oct 21, 2011 8:46 pm

If this is the goal, then there is a file I'd like to send you. It's PDF so it should be no problem for you to read. It is called "A Proposal for a Citizen's Assembly on Political Reform".

A rather long title, I know. But it is well worth a read. I hope you'll let me send it to you.

As for the goals of a constitution, I think that we should include some things which are carved in stone : That "Only the government has the right to set interest rates. "Organizations established by private banks, organizations or individuals which do so are guilty of treason", and "No organization of any kind can be given "personhood" status. This includes Banks and Corporations. "

I think that this should take care of the FED and all of the powers that banks and corporations have wielded for the past century or so. With that done, maybe we can get some real work done. Accordingly, I would like to submit one final addition to the constitution :

"The Government shall have only ONE responsibility, and that is the welfare of its people. Except in the case of sharing scientific discoveries with the public, our military shall never be used to aid anyone in making a profit outside of the borders of our own country."

Since "National Interests" is all too commonly used as a euphemism for "using our military to protect corporate profits which we do not collect taxes on", it clearly does not serve the interests of the people of this or any other nation to engage in "Empire Building".

Short of taking these firm steps, I do not see a way for the US Government, or any other government, to proceed into the future. A government which ignores these rules is one which will eventually collapse under the weight of its own inability to function.

That's my opinion, anyway.

Jennifer Warren

1againstmachine wrote:I thank everyone for the positive responses to my draft. There is so much more to add and so many new voices to hear on this topic however my primary focus on this was to present a way we can overcome the traditional electoral process which I believe is a huge barrier to significant change.

If we can amend our constitution by a Direct Popular Vote we can create a New Electoral Process which takes money out of the electoral equation and levels the playing field between the moneyed interests and the 99 Percenters.

The point being is that We have the power and now that we are becoming more and more organized and growing exponentially everyday we need to start exerting this power by calling for a Popular Election. Whether this happens in 2012 or 2014 is less important than beginning today with a dynamic new approach to the traditional dialogue of setting up a new party in the traditional corrupted two-party system.

I believe that in all that we do (and are already doing) we think outside the box of traditional politics and change and create our own infrastructures and systems of change. By doing this we deny the existing power structure which will continually try to disenfranchise or co-op our worldwide movement.

We need to recreate the world in our image to correct the damage that has already been done and that will be an ongoing and daily struggle.


Posts : 79
Join date : 2011-10-20
Age : 67
Location : 1st Congressional District Washington

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